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过生日想要邀请国外的朋友参加自然要选择用英语写 邀请函 。那么下面我带你一起来了解一下过生日的英语邀请函怎么写,希望对你有所帮助!


nviting Friends to a Birthday Party Invitation

Dear Ruth,

Next Friday, September the fifth, is Tom’s birthday. I thought it would be pleasant to have some of his friends here to help him celebrate. Will you come We’ll have dancing from nine until midnight, and then cut the birthday cake! Both Tom and I are very eager to have you here, so don’t disappoint us!

Affectionately yours,

Li Hua August

3.1, 1998

生日邀请函英文 范文

May 2, 2021

( 时间写在右上角)

Dear Lucy,

Next Monday is my 20th birthday. Imagine, there are already twenty years behind me! No wonder I feel old!

My parents are giving a dinner party to mark the party. The first person they wish to invite is you, my childhood pal. Indeed, all of those 20 years are more or less associated with you.

We'll be expecting you any time after six. See you then.



( 落款写在右下角,标点是逗号)


Dear friend,

I’m very happy,because my birthday will come next Saturday, And my family have many food and drink.I think a lot of funny things and we will paly  them in that day.So I hope you can take part in.Now I will tell you the address of my house.It is in the central of our city named Funny Time. There are many trees and flowers around my home. Its wall is red and white.You must come.I’ll wite you.




Dear Li Hua,

I had a birthday party at my home last month .I invited some of my classmates to the party . The party began at 8a.m .on Sunday . All my classmates were not be late. I was very happy. We ate some western food.They were very nice.Some of my classmates brought their own food. They shared their food with us. Because they are very friendly. We also played games. It was very interesting. All my classmates were very happy. I danced with my best friends. And all my classmates danced very beautifully! They sang a song ’Happy Birthday’ to me. And then they gave me a lot of presents. I was very thankful. All of us had a good time on that day!

Do you have free time I want to visit you next year



过生日的英语版邀请函怎么写相关 文章 :

★ 过生日的邀请函怎么写英语版

★ 生日派对的英语邀请函范文

★ 过生日的英语邀请函

★ 英语生日邀请函范文

★ 生日的英语邀请函范文

★ 英语生日邀请函范文4篇

★ 生日邀请函的范文英语版

★ 英文的生日邀请函范文

★ 英文生日邀请函范文3篇


Dear Friends:We went through a lot of happy, happy times together! We have so many unforgettable memories together! We may not have earth-shattering glory! But we have a real history! Plain words are true!

We shared our hearts! We have faced the ups and downs of life together! I'm a year older today! Invite you to share happiness with me! Enjoy the pride together! Enjoy a beautiful and healthy life together!

September 22, 2020 is my 21st birthday. I would like to invite you to attend my birthday party at 7:00 p.m. on September 22 in the banquet hall of Century Hotel.








May 2, 2012

( 时间写在右上角)

Dear Lucy,

Next Monday is my 20th birthday. Imagine, there are already twenty years behind me! No wonder I feel old!

My parents are giving a dinner party to mark the party. The first person they wish to invite is you, my childhood pal. Indeed, all of those 20 years are more or less associated with you.

We'll be expecting you any time after six. See you then.



( 落款写在右下角,标点是逗号)




Dear friend,

I’m very happy,because my birthday will come next Saturday, And my family have many food and drink.I think a lot of funny things and we will paly  them in that day.So I hope you can take part in.Now I will tell you the address of my house.It is in the central of our city named Funny Time. There are many trees and flowers around my home. Its wall is red and white.You must come.I’ll wite you.


Dear Li Hua,

I had a birthday party at my home last month .I invited some of my classmates to the party . The party began at 8a.m .on Sunday . All my classmates were not be late. I was very happy. We ate some western food.They were very nice.Some of my classmates brought their own food. They shared their food with us. Because they are very friendly. We also played games. It was very interesting. All my classmates were very happy. I danced with my best friends. And all my classmates danced very beautifully! They sang a song ’Happy Birthday’ to me. And then they gave me a lot of presents. I was very thankful. All of us had a good time on that day!

Do you have free time I want to visit you next year


Dear Ruth,

Next Friday, September the fifth, is Tom’s birthday. I thou

ght it would be pleasant to have some of his friends here to help him celebrate. Will you come We’ll have dancing from nine until midnight, and then cut the birthday cake! Both Tom and I are very eager to have you here, so don’t disappoint us! Affectionately yours,

Li Hua August

3.1, 1998


Dear Li Hua,

I’m so sorry I can’t come to Tom’s birthday party. These days my mother has been falling ill, so I have to attend to her.Thank you for asking me, Li Hua. I certainly hate to miss any of your parties. They’re always such fun!

Affectionately,Liang Yan




【范文】:Dear leaders and colleagues:

we have gone through a lot of happy, Happy Time! We have many unforgettable memories together! We may not have earth-shattering glory! But we have a real dull past! It is true that it is plain!

We shared our hearts! We have faced the ups and downs of life together! A year older today! Invite you to share the happiness together! Enjoy this pride together! Enjoy a beautiful and healthy life together!

You are invited to attend The Birthday Party  Year Month Day on September 22 at 7 pm in the small conference room.


Year, month and day







关于英语生日派对邀请信模板及范文和英语生日派对邀请信模板及范文怎么写的介绍到此就结束了,不知道你从中找到你需要的信息了吗 ?如果你还想了解更多这方面的信息,记得收藏关注本站。





“英语生日派对邀请信模板及范文(英语生日派对邀请信模板及范文怎么写)” 的相关文章



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