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APP资源5个月前 (04-25)248

1、提前祝自己生日快乐 Happy birthday to you in advance 希望自己在新的年龄段认识更多的人,越来越努力,以后的日子也要开开心心的 I hope I know more people in my new age group and try harder and harder。

2、my father’s birthday today is my father’s birthdayin the morning ,father got up early”happy birthday!”i said to himhe was smiling to methen father prepared breakfast for meafter breakfast,father。

3、Sixteen, dear yourself, today is your birthday, happy birthday, learn to control their emotions, no one owes you, so you have no reason to be angry with others, temper 十七 花的#39种子已经含苞生日该是绽开的一瞬。

4、When all my friends arrived, my mother brought delicious food and a big birthday cake My friends sang quotHappy birthday to you!quot and gave me some presents Then we began to eat It was my happiest day。

5、When all my friends arrived, my mother brought delicious food and a big birthday cake My friends sang quotHappy birthday to you!quot and gave me some presents Then we began to eat It was my happiest day 昨天是我。

6、Think less, go to bed early, like to laugh, I wish myself another year old12祝自己生日快乐愿一切如你所愿愿你坚强愿你努力,不负众望Happy birthday to myself! May everything be as you wish。

7、Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday生日快乐 生日快乐 Made to feel the way that every child should让每个有梦想的孩子 Sit and listen, sit and listen坐下聆听 坐下聆听 Went to school and I was very nervous学校令我。

8、Mary#39s mother made a big birthday cake for Mary First of all,we sang Happy Birthday Song for her Then we ate the big cake happily After that,we played party games together How happy we were!How wonderful。

9、15 pick a star, sent to the truth mining cloud offering hospitality dream again good, will eventually fade then the flowers will wither Mao, only friendship, hearts forever hidden Happy birthday, early round dream。


10、Later on I have my birthday party every yearLast Saturday I had my birthday party at home A few of my friends came to my party Everyone bought me a birthday present, and they all said, quotHappy birthday to。

11、How happy I felt when I put on the new clothes! When all my friends arrived, my mother brought delicious food and a big birthday cake My friends sang quotHappy birthday to you!quot and gave me some presents Then。

12、给你两段英文的做参考一History of Birthday Song The very popular ‘Happy Birthday to You’ song has become an indispensable part of birthday celebrations across the world Today, the song is over a。

13、Happy Birthday Happy Birthday 生日快乐,快乐的生日 And i feel the way that every child should 其实真正理解他们的方式 Sit and listen sit and listen 只需要坐下,静静地倾听 Went to school and I was very。

14、1Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents Mother prepared a tea party for me I invited all of them to come and take part in itThe tea party began at half past six。

15、Evening came at last Many of my classmate came to my home they bought me lots of beautiful presents they all said,quotHappy birthday to you!quot We sang birthday songs happilythen my parents brought out。





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